Olga and Bob's Most Excellent Adventure

Olga (our trusty tandem bike) and BOB (our trailer) will take us from Maine to Florida along the Adventure Cycling Associations' East Coast Route. The trip begins on August 30th and will end sometime in early November. We'll be blogging along the route so check back often for the latest posting. If you want to read this in chronological order, start from the bottom and work your way up. Otherwise, it may not make sense. See you on the trail!

Location: Helena, Montana, United States

In the Spanish speaking world south of the US border they have a term for people like us..."jubliados". It implies that the later years of ones life is to explore, discover and expand their horizons. We embrace the concept and hope to share some insights with you.

Monday, August 21, 2006

Have Card, Will Travel

With less than 2 weeks to go before departure, we're putting the final touches on our trip prepartions. It's like Christmas Eve around the house in that we've completed our tasks, made our final preperations, and now all we can do is anxiously await for the arrival of the big day. It's lonely without BOB and Olga. Last we checked, they were somewhere east of Chicago enroute to Maine. If everything works according to plan (fingers crossed) they'll arrive safe and sound in Bar Harbor on Friday the 25th, reassembled, and we'll be reunited the following week.

We've been spending our time visiting with friends, putting up garden produce and getting the house ready for our "sitter". A friend of a friend will be living in our home for the months we are away, and it works out perfectly for all involved.

We've had so many people ask us about our journey and the blog that we decided to make a business card to hand out to folks we meet along the way. A copy of the card is below. Don't know if it's a good idea or not, but we'll see how it goes.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm very excited (and almost envious) for you both. I know you're going to have an awesome trip and will treasure the experience for the rest of your lives. A lot of people dream of doing things like this but never make it happen. I'm glad to see you stepping out! Will keep watching your site to see how things are going.


12:18 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hope it isn't as smokey where you are as it is here! Hope all is going well. We are holding down the fort, but of course it is just not the same with you not being here. Anxioulsy awaiting your blog notes.


10:35 AM  

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